Welcome to Curriculog, Cal Poly Pomona's online curriculum management system.

    Curriculog automates the process of curriculum development, revision, and approval process (the workflow). The Curriculog system will guide the proposal through the department, college, Academic Senate, and university approval as well as through campus consultation.

    Since Cal Poly Pomona also uses Acalog, the electronic catalog system, appropriate fields in the course curriculum change proposals must be populated from Acalog. When proposals receive final approval, course curriculum changes will be exported out of Curriculog and imported into Acalog. 

    ATTENTION: Curriculog is now importing courses from the 2023-2024 University Catalog.

    Accessing the System

    All faculty and staff affiliated with Cal Poly Pomona can view and/or submit proposals. Click the 'login' button at the upper-right side of your screen and enter your BroncoName and password. If you are unable to login with your BroncoName, please contact Ashley Ly (atly@cpp.edu).

    When you have logged in, a dashboard with tabs at the top will appear on the left. The first tab, "My Tasks", will appear on the left side of the screen. "My Tasks" displays proposals that await your opinion/decision. Proposals will move to the next step after approval by the Agenda Administration (i.e. Chair) of the current step. The second tab, "My Proposals", displays proposals you submitted in the system previously. The third tab, "Watch List", displays all proposals you've selected to watch by clicking on the by each proposal. The last tab, "All Proposal", displays all proposals in the system. You may filter the proposals to display in the "All Proposals" tab by clicking Advanced Filter and entering your search criteria.

    If you encounter problems as you use the site or if you notice changes that need to be made to the system, please contact Ashley Ly (atly@cpp.edu).

    For curriculum development support, please contact:

    • Aaron DeRosa - Interim Faculty Director of Undergraduate Studies and General Education (amderosa@cpp.edu)
    • Salomon Oldak - Faculty Director of Graduate Studies (soldak@cpp.edu)
    • Ashley Ly - Senior Curriculum Specialist and Lead (atly@cpp.edu).

    Instructional materials to assist you in completing proposal forms are available on the Academic Programs Curriculum Development website. Login is required to access the instructional materials.

    Office of Academic Programs - Curriculum Support

    Listed below are the symbols and colors utilized in Curriculum:

    • = has not made a decision
    • = approved
    • = rejected
    • = held
    • = suspended
    • = cancelled
    • = multiple decisions
    • = task
    • = mine
    • = stuck
    • = urgent, out of date import source









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    You can approve

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    You have entered an incorrect PIN for your account. If you have forgotten your pin or don't have one, please contact an Administrator.

    could not be approved